
Principles of Microeconomics

How the invisible hand of the market functions through the economic decisions of firms and individuals. How prices, wages and profits are determined, resources are allocated and income is distributed. Topical subjects (e.g., energy policy and health care).

Women and Minorities in the Labor Market

Analysis of issues and problems confronting women and minorities in the workplace using economic theory, and empirical investigation. Theory of the family, allocation of time, human capital, discrimination, and public policy are among the topics covered. 

Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

Study of how individual economic units — consumers, firms, and workers — allocate scarce resources. Specific topics include the underpinnings of demand and supply, consumer theory, production, pricing systems, and market failures. This class will prepare students to take upper-level microeconomics courses such as environmental economics, labor economics, urban economics, and public economics.

Advanced Labor Economics II

Detailed investigation of labor supply with an emphasis on human capital, immigration, and the economics of the family. This is a Ph.D.-level course and has applications for students wishing to pursue further work in demography, development, and health.